Sunday, 7 April 2013

Day 18 - Garden inspirations...

Ok, so I know the garden doesn't have anything to do with the renovations on the Gallery. However, it did lift our spirits to listen to tunes in the backyard and swing the hammer to build four (very sturdy) raised beds. It's going to take a lot of soil to fill these suckers but they look amazing and I can't wait to finish putting the garden together. The weather was not much more co-operative today... we did have a bit of rain and a bit of snow, but we pushed through and got the job done.

Mike is working on the supports for the sign right now with the assistance of Luke and Adam (friends of ours that work up here too). They showed up as a surprise and what a great one! It just serves as a reminder about how close summer really is despite the cold and miserable weather.  Dinner is on the stove (slight adjustments for the boys showing up) and it will be good to visit with them.


Tomorrow we're back to Collingwood for my Blue Mountain staff party so no work on the gallery or garden tomorrow. That's ok... it's supposed to be rain again :-( Might as well get dressed up and have dinner with friends!

Goodnight all!


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