Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Day 13/14 - Mother Nature has a messed up sense of humour....

Day 13 

Ok ok... I know everyone's been complaining over and over about the unpredictable spring weather (or winter weather, not sure anymore). All I have to say is it's a good thing I haven't switched my Smart Car's winter tires out yet for its less reliable all purpose "summer" tires. I headed down to Grand Bend's Lambton Heritage Museum to pick up the artwork from the last show. This is a four hour trip from Tobermory only to turn around to four hours home. Much of the drive was lovely, sunny, windy... except between Sauble Beach and Kincardine... the wrath of winter was still upon me. Snow squalls, zero visibility, slippery roads, stupid drivers... you get the picture. Once I exited this winter vortex the drive continued on... gorgeous with NO SNOW!

 Entering the storm....

Here I'm thinking... ahh... that wasn't so bad...

NOT!  White out squalls for the next 40km

I see blue sky!!

I remember thinking... "Ahhh, where am I?"

Rinse and Repeat... only slightly better on the drive home. Needless to say me and my trusty miniature sized vehicle made it home with the artwork in one piece! I even avoided a kamikaze group of deer with no sense of self preservation. Again my car can go from 90km to 0km in less than 20 feet.... that's twice in 24 hours... it must be spring.

On a side note.... I got to see my two furry friends at Quinn and Erin's place in Bayfield while dropping off some artwork for them and picking up Huron Horizon. They were my welcoming committee when I got there... too cute.

 Day 14

Today is an office day... all the little things that must be done in organizing the rebirth of the gallery. None too exciting. (Office work doesn't include power tools)

Although it is cold outside the sun is shining brightly and I may just have to spend a few hours in the garden moving rocks. The cold weather will not dampen my anticipation of spring!!!

Till later....


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