What a busy week it's been... but things are really starting to come together!
The third coat of stain on the floor is currently drying. It's amazing how long it takes for this stuff to dry. By the time we get the varnish on it's definitely going to be longer than we anticipated for the floor. However, it has been GLORIOUS weather up here in Tobermory for the last few days so we've been busy outside on the exterior of the property and working on the garden.

Remember this sign??? It was a memorable day when the sign on the front of the gallery and the road sign came down but now it's all back up again...
(Look at that snow... thank goodness spring is finally here.)
And voila! The new signage for the front of the gallery!!!
And remember this moment...?
And our new road sign!
We have spent so many months thinking about this process and now that it's underway and nearly complete we are counting the days till we open the doors. WetRock Studios will be open Saturday, May 18th for the May long weekend (Sat, Sun, Mon). If you're in town stop by and check it out!
Next week will involve a lot of painting and finishing touches but we're in the home stretch now!!!
Everyone enjoy the sunshine!!!!
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