Mike and I are working away in the gallery yet again. I thought it was January and we should be surrounded by snow however it seems that we're having a couple of springlike days. Mike's putting the finishing touches on a couple of pieces and I'm working away on promo material. I was hoping to finish the website today but due to technical difficulties I must turn my focus elsewhere.
Tonight our friend Quinn (the inspiration to all that is happening with the gallery) is arriving for a couple of days of diving with Mike. I must return to the 'real world' tomorrow to Collingwood for work. Looking foward to Quinn's arrival, a great dinner, and some shop talk!
~ Kelly
I am touched. I can't take credit for the inspiration though; that's all you guys. Perhaps I can lay claim to a little motivation, but that's it. Regardless of what small part I may have played, any gift I have given has been repaid tenfold. That is the great thing about giving, you can always count on getting back way more than you put out.